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Call for Papers

The concept and practices of human security, the responsibility to protect (R2P) and protection of civilians (POC), which have common purposes to secure individual freedom from fear, have been developed and applied in numerous cases over decades. However, increasing numbers of people still face a variety of threats, including armed conflicts and terrorist attacks coupled with famine, pandemic diseases and displacement. In most cases, these people are left without protection from their own states. There is a growing demand to revisit the origin of the human security concept and explore feasible prescriptions to save human lives trapped in conflict zones. This conference will examine the reality and nature of on-going conflicts and attempt to untangle the relationships of the existing concepts and practices regarding civilian protection with an aim to discuss what are practical and applicable measures to ensure human security in conflict zones.


We encourage papers that address the conference theme stated above and the related topics such as the responsibility to protect and complex humanitarian emergencies (CHEs).


Topics of interests to the conference also include, but are not limited to:

・Development and empowerment

・Natural and manmade disasters

・Human security and dignity

・Theoretical and empirical studies on human security

・Japanese foreign policy and human security*

 *The conference language is English. However, the panel on Japanese foreign policy will be conducted in Japanese.

How to Apply

Please send abstracts (250 words max.) with necessary information by using the application form to the following e-mail addresses by September 8th, 2017.  

The call for paper is extended. The new deadline is September 30th, 2017. 

Submit to: jahss.2017[at]; infojahss[at]

   * change [at] to @

Application form is downloadble from HERE

The Conference Organizing Committee will examine the submitted proposal. Accepted papers will be notified by the end of September early October.


The presenter is requested to submit the paper (approx. 4000 words) or resume/extend abstracts (approx. 1000words) for commentators and panel chairs by October 15th 20th


Please note that prospective presenters need to be members of the JAHSS. In order to become a member, visit our web site:

Call for papers is now closed. Please wait for the notification of accepted papers. 

Do not forget to register for participation. Those whose papers are accepted also should register for participation. If not, we might cancel your papers.  

* Register should be via registration form, while call for paper should be submitted via-email

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